Monday 2 April 2018

Easter - Sacred Heart Catholic Church Vientiane

This morning I attended Easter Mass at Sacred Heart Catholic Church.  I arrived early - not a Harrington trait- as the Vientnamese service was finishing. The community gathering was very Laos -beers at 10am, ladies wearing their best sinh - selling blue Virgin Mary statues.  Is it the same gender split as at home - men chatting and women tidying, sharing food and raising funds- The Catholic Church!!!

There was also a priest- maybe bishop with his red hat- sprinkling water on motorbikes and scooters.  Many of the scooters and cars had yellow flowers on them as they do when getting blessed with water by Buddhist monks.

1 comment:

  1. Tradition and ritual usually make holidays special, depending upon your point of view!


Looking forward to reading your comments and responses. Mary