Wednesday 24 February 2016

Mother Tongue Day

Yes that is the title of the event - It is not about your mother's mouth - but language.
VIS has a str
ong mother tongue program to support student to learn their own language and get credit in the IB program.  Today we celebrated the diverse program.  Lao food, Thai candy, Danish Lego, Norwegian vikings, Japanese origami, French pin the flag on the Eiffel tower, Korean games and costumes, Chinese puzzles, and more. 

The German's didn't have beer and the Spanish stand didn't have Rjoca or Sherry, the French lacked wine, and I the Vientnamese were there but without food or drink.

My contribution was to use the words "Bonza", "Gidday" and "Mate" a lot in advisory - but the students were less than impressed.

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