Saturday 10 November 2018

Benesse House Museum

The attraction for my visit to the island of Naoshima was the art and in particular to visit the Benesse House Museum and Art Site.  Below is some information from their website and gives an overview of what is a truly amazing place.  Would have loved to stay at the hotel, but it is booked out months in advance and costs $$$$$$$$.
This piece on a grassy knoll, is by an American Kinetic Artist and is called Three Squares Vertical Diagnol.

Benesse House Museum opened in 1992 as a facility integrating a museum with a hotel, based on the concept of "coexistence of nature, art and architecture." Designed by Tadao Ando, the facility is built on high ground overlooking the Seto Inland Sea and features large apertures that serve to open up the interior to the splendid natural surroundings. In addition to exhibiting the painting, sculpture, photography, and installations in its collection, the Museum also contains permanent site-specific installations that artists have created especially for the building, selecting locations on their own and designing the works for those spaces. The Museum's artworks are found not just within its galleries, but in all parts of the building, as well as in scattered locations along the seashore that borders the complex and in the nearby forest. Benesse House Museum is truly a rare site where nature, art, and architecture come together, in an environment containing numerous site-specific works created for the natural environs of Naoshima or inspired by the architectural spaces they inhabit.

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